Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Securypto - Zerocoin based blockchain project


Securypto is a Zerocoin-based blockchain project, Masternode that focuses on anonymous storage & encrypted data transfer. Market agitation technology by

Monetize anonymous content distribution, creating new markets that emerge.
Transfer or store encrypted files & files that really can't be tracked on the internet.
Connect to an open source hardware wallet for an extra layer of security.

All achieved by a specially designed combination of Hardware, Software & Blockchain.

Special open source hardware
Maximum security can only be achieved by combining matching designs between hard and soft ware simultaneously. 
We have designed a special open source hardware called DigiSafeGuard (DSG) to further enhance security. 
Physically secure digital domes in the palm of your hand for Crypto Payments, Secure messaging, password management, file encryption, and more. DSG is specifically designed to work and interact with the Securypto blockchain to maximize your security & privacy. 
For more information about this dedicated Open Source Hardware, please visit the DigiSafeGuard website.

Privacy on the internet
When using DigiSafeGuard hardware or stand-alone software, your messages and other uploaded data are encrypted, but they are not really anonymous. 
Your internet provider or anyone who sniffs the internet You can link your files & messages to payments and your conversation party. 
These are the main privacy issues that can be easily solved using the Securypto Blockchain. 
Your messages & data are not only encrypted, but also cannot be traced using the zerocoin blockchain technology.

Monetize content distribution
Empower content creators to receive direct payments for every download, display, and purchase. Just upload, request payment for your content and get paid from downloads!

The Securto Blockchain monetizes content distribution by allowing content providers to be paid for their contributions.

• Onion-based anonymous transfers 
• Earn money by hosting 
• Pay per download 
• Pay per view 
• Distribution of spider networks

Info Tokens
There is no amount of cryptography, consensus protocol development, and technical optimization will help cryptocurrency with an unstable and bankrupt ideology. Securypto is not just a blockchain, but an opensource project that aims to redesign the way we store and transfer data to protect our privacy!

The Securto blockchain is what adds a layer of privacy at the top of all the features offered by special hardware (DSG) and software. 
At the same time, he created Paid Content Management that allows users to get rewards for the content they upload and hosts to get paid for their hosting facilities and for this you need SCU coins.

SCU is a utility coin / token that has real-world usage, which is needed to transfer anonymized encrypted data on the Securypto blockchain and monetize content distribution. Securypto tokens have been released on the basis of the Ethereum platform. After switching from TestNet to MainNet, the SCU Token will be exchanged for SCU coins on the Securypto MainNet blockchain. 
The total supply of SCU tokens is one hundred million (100,000,000).


For more information:

Eth: 0x9D70781Bd6A09c1359C956D5FeAf25483b5b63e9

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