Thursday, December 20, 2018

Future Energy

The goal of the Future Energy
Mining project is Cryptocurrency began to take on new forms. Definitions such as the 
'Mining Home' disappeared and were replaced with high-performance data centers that 
consumed a lot of energy resources. This has become a real problem for many 
governments and states, which has resulted in the regulation of 
heavy energy consumption . In turn, this negatively affects 
cryptocurrency mining efficiency . In the near future, this trend will likely continue. 
Every day the profitability of cryptocurrency mining equipment decreases due to the 
complexity of the network that continues to grow. 
The Future Energy project was created to solve this problem. We will
optimize mining costs through the construction or purchase 
of non-traditional electricity resources produced by renewable energy sources and 
nuclear energy. Controlling energy costs is the only best way to 
ensure profitability because the nature of cryptocurrency is complex, 
unpredictable and changing. 
Not all countries can use the most 
common renewable energy sources , such as solar panels and wind generators, because of the geographical and climate features of 
each region. The Future Energy project can solve this problem 
by implementing non-standard solutions. By generating our own energy, 
operational costs are zero. Our project is protected by 49 patents, which are
most are implemented in practice.

The target of the Future Energy project
- Reducing electricity costs to zero. 
- Independence from the central network. 
- Utilizing non-standard generations with operational components equal to zero. 
- Unique capacity for project implementation in countries with shortages of electricity 
or high costs. 
The Future Energy project will expand the opportunities of miners throughout the world. 
Our operating energy costs are zero, thus providing a second life for 
energy efficiency mining equipment.

Using FGY Tokens
1. Buyers of tokens have the right to own ownership 
2. The Token holder can exchange tokens to lease electricity for 
a period of 40 years with the operating component 0c. At the same time, 
leasing for 40 years 1 W / h will be 1 FGY token. 
3. Ecomining. 
4. Payments for colocation 1FGY = 1000W / month. 
5. Tokens can be used as a means of payment for developing 
electricity supply technology at alternative energy sources in certain 
climatic and geographical conditions at the customer's request. 
6. Payment with a FGY token purchase license for our patent use.

ECOMINING provides an opportunity to take part in bitcoin mining by exchanging FGY tokens for the right to practice ECOMINING for one month. 

Future Energy will spend part of the funds collected during the ICO on the purchase of ASIC miners with a total capacity of 14,500 th (capacity will depend on the amount collected during the ICO). ECOMINING will work on environmentally friendly energy, which you don't need to pay. Bitcoin will be distributed based on smart contracts with the following principles: 80% of Bitcoin production will be distributed among ECOMINING members, and 20% will be spent on maintenance, repair and purchase of new equipment. Bitcoin distribution will occur on the first day of every month. 

Up to 330% per month! How does it work? 
To participate in mining, token holders can exchange their FGY tokens for one month of participation in the ECOMINING project. The application to participate in ECOMINING is accepted for the last 5 days of this month for the right to participate in the following month. On the last day of each month after receiving an application for mining, a random number generator will generate a number that will determine the percentage of the total FGY tokens sold that will be able to participate in mining the following month.
For example: 2 500 000 FGY tokens are sold during ICO today, December 31, 2018. Numbers generated randomly are '1', which means that 1% of the total tokens sold will be able to participate in mining in January 2019. Out of 25 000 FGY tokens are used for bitcoin mining, 20% will be distributed for equipment maintenance, and the remaining 80% will be distributed among participants during the month. Today, at the rate of $ 6500 per bitcoin, which is around $ 100,000 bitcoin is mined per month. After 20% is allocated for maintenance, the remaining 80% ($ 80 000) is distributed between 25 000 FGY tokens. This means that each token is worth $ 3.3, which is a 330% profit per month with an initial price of $ 1 per FGY token. 

In addition, Future Energy will reward participants with a 
bonus of 95% tokens exchanged for contributions to the development of clean energy. The bonus will be added until the 5th day of the following month (if you redeem your token for mining rights in January 2019, you will receive a bonus until February 5, 2019). Only 5% of your tokens will be burned. If there are more mining requests than the percentage allowed to participate in a particular month, the exchange will occur in proportion to the possible number of tokens and mining requests. All tokens that do not pass the swap will be returned to the owner.

The use of funds collected
47% of the funds collected will be used for the construction of facilities that 
produce their own strength. 45% of the funds collected will be used 
for the construction of mining modules and the purchase of mining equipment. 
This will be installed for the period of building a factory with own generation at 
our operational mining mine with an electricity tariff of 0.05 c per 1 kW / hour, 
which will allow FGY token holders to immediately start earning 
income from mining.

For more detailed information about future energy visit the link below:

Author: Jordan 
Eth: 0x9D70781Bd6A09c1359C956D5FeAf25483b5b63e9

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