Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Ternion Token Ecosystem

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Ternion’s ecosystem will be supported by the TRN Utility Token. The TRN Token is an ERC20 compliant token to be issued on the Ethereum blockchain. The TRN token will be the core payment mechanism for all goods and services exchanged through the Ternion Ecosystem.

Overview of the Ternion Ecosystem 
Overview of the Ternion Ecosystem Within the Ternion Ecosystem, all internal revenue-generating mechanisms are geared towards upholding the Ternion Liquidity Fund. Just as the Ternion Financial Model relies on natural market forces to support Ternion liquidity, so too does the utility functionality of the Ternion token. The TRN token is exceptionally well integrated into the Ternion Ecosystem, serving as a method of exchange for fees incurred through the Ternion Exchange and the Ternion Payments business. This utility mechanism may result in higher demand for TRN token, which is then channelled back into the ecosystem, creating a contained cycle of supply and demand.

The Token Utility Features: Liquidity Support
The TRN is a utility token positioned to grant users access to a variety of benefits within the Ternion Ecosystem. TRN utility functions include to pay for:

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Ternion Exchange: Trading Fee Discounts
Ternion wants to encourage users to pay for their trading fees with the TRN tokens. Users will be heavily incentivized to use TRN tokens by receiving significant discounted trading fees. Trading fees will move in three well-defined stages. The circulating supply of TRN tokens will determine the current stage.

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Financial Model: Asset Price via Token Burn
In order to facilitate reliable liquidity, Ternion operates around a financial model built on market forces. The Ternion financial model and the ecosystem that supports it ensure the Ternion token remains relevant. The Ternion token (TRN) is an intrinsic part of the Ecosystem and serves as the native currency for Ternion’s three fundamental pillars: The Exchange, Ternion Payments and The Liquidity Reserve.

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Step 1: Revenue Generation 
• The Ternion Exchange operates based on a progressive commission (from 0.25% down to 0.1% based on monthly traded asset volume). 
• Ternion Payments charges a 0.85% - 1.5% commission per transaction, dependent on the purchasing currency

Step 2: Token Buyback 
 Ternion uses 25% of accumulated funds to perform token buyback. Ternion stores 25% of accumulated funds in the Liquidity Fund to always have available liquidity towards the expansion of Ternion globally. 

 Step 3: Token Burn 
• Ternion then burns the token, reducing total Ternion circulating supply.

Token Burn 
Token burn based financial models have shown themselves to offer a number of key benefits. The level of token burn will vary with the revenue generated by the Ternion Ecosystem and cannot be guaranteed. We have modelled three scenarios to give the contributor greater clarity on the relationship between the Unspent Revenues and Token burn.

What does token burn do?
  Increases the relative percentage of supply owned per token holder. Makes the token less likely to be considered a security due to its destructive nature. The TRN is a hybrid digital asset backed by a financial ecosystem that supports its liquidity through profitable business activity

Ternion Initial Coin Offering 
The Ternion Token (TRN) will be used as the method of exchange across the entire Ternion Ecosystem. This includes trading fees, merchant fees and listing fees. TRN will only be created during a single event commencing during the private pre-sale. Further, no tokens will be created once the final round of the ICO is complete. Any unsold tokens will be destroyed.

 What the TRN Tokens are not: 
Ternion Tokens are not offered as a security. Ternion Tokens do not pay any dividend, commissions, shares or provide equity based on their acquisition.

What TRN Tokens are: 
TRN Tokens are an Ethereum based ERC20 Cryptocurrency. TRN Tokens are the method of exchange used across the Ternion Ecosystem. TRN Tokens only have value in the Ternion Ecosystem. TRN Tokens are available to hold in your compatible ERC20 wallet. TRN Tokens are Exchangeable on Cryptocurrency Exchanges TRN Tokens have 4 decimal places.

Token Structure
Maximum total supply: 95 000 000 TRN
Available in pre-sale: 22 500 000 TRN
Available in public sale (Plus any unsold presale tokens) 53 500 000 TRN
SOFT CAP : $5 000 000
HARD CAP : $30 000 000

Minimum Contributions: 
• Round A, minimum transaction: $125,000 (Individual cases may be considered) 
• Public token sale, minimum transaction: 0.1 ETH

The following discounts depend on the amount contributed during the: 
• Round A: 1 TRN = $ 2.261. Up to 50 000 discount 30% 1 TRN = $ 1.615 From 50 000 till 125 000 discount 50% 1 TRN = $ 0.646 Above 125 000$ discount 80% 
• Round B: discount up to 35% 
• Round C: no discount

Token Sale 
Token Sale Dates 
The Ternion token sale is split into Pre A, A, B, C rounds. Presale and a Public Token Sale.

 Token Presale (Pre-A round) 
The Presale will run until: June 28th 2018. The pre-sale will allow Ternion to raise the necessary funds to begin building the exchange, having a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) available during the Public Token Sale. The pre-sale will also help us acquire valuable feedback early on in the build, contributing to the efficiency of the exchange development process. The funds raised during the public pre-sale will be used primarily for development and growth efforts, though a fraction will still go towards laying the foundation of the Ternion Liquidity Fund.

Public token sale 
Once the Pre-sale is concluded and Ternion has developed an MVP Cryptocurrency exchange then the project will be open to a Public Token Sale. The Public Token Sale will go through 3 rounds, with a lower discount rate for each subsequent round.

Token Sale Discount Rates 
Earlier contributors will be rewarded for their commitment to the Ternion Ecosystem by receiving higher discounts. 

Unsold Ternion Tokens 
Any unsold Tokens will be destroyed by the Ethereum smart contract on December 31st. The PHP codes relating to this burn are available publicly on Github for review.

 The issuing of tokens 
TRN Tokens will be issued to contributors within one month of the conclusion of the final round.

Refund Policy 
If the Ternion ICO does not reach a soft cap of $5,000,000, then all the money contributed, excluding the charges, will be returned to the respective beneficiaries to the same wallets that were used for the initial transactions.

Allocation of Public Token Sale Funds
To fully capitalize the Ternion Liquidity Fund and complete the development of the pillars that make up the Ternion Ecosystem, the public sale will be the final leg of the Ternion ICO. Funds raised through the public sale will be distributed as follows:

Token Distribution 

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