Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Data Science, Data Art, FullStack Coding, AR/VR, Smartwears, Future Banking, Future Healthcare and more.
The Developeo NEXT-GEN Education platform seeks to solve major problems of the 4th Industrial Revolution; OpenSource & Commercial Software Development and problems that await Humanity, with a never-before-seen reward pool and a highly beneficial operational model, along with ambitious targets; such as DEVX BootCamps, DEVX Certification, DEVX Marketplace, DEVX Advisory Services and finally the Developeo NEXT-GEN University.
This is a special collaboration between Developeo and Kickico to empower the real owners of Blockchain; a chance to participate on a private sale, which is the most advantageous part of the ICO in terms of financial gains. Developeo is offering this Special Presale for the DEVX community on KICKICO with the lowest prices per the DEVX token.During the PRE-ICO and ICO phase the prices will be significantly higher. (i.e 4x-5x-6x-7x-8x)
»» Limited Community Presale Kickico Price: 0.05$ + bonuses ««
Private Sale for Venture Capital: 0.05$ lesser bonuses
PREICO: 0.15$ to 0.25$ (25 JUNE 2018)
ICO: 0.30$ to 0.40$ (06 AUGUST 2018)
Airdropalert estimated DEVX Token value in the future: 10-15$
First Day Bonus %10 + First Week Bonus %5
Extra bonuses up to %50 with 10,000 USD+.
Smart contract updates itself realtime for the current ETH/USD.
Developeo is offering this Special Presale for the DEVX community on KICKICO with the lowest prices per the DEVX token.During the PRE-ICO and ICO phase the prices will be significantly higher. (i.e 4x-5x-6x-7x-8x)
The raised amount through the Kickico Campaign will be used for the an enormous marketing campaign of the Developeo & Viral Marketing Flash Mobs (AI taking over Jobs) at London, San Francisco and Berlin, Telegram/Slack/Reddit Community, hiring best talents for the team, new partnerships and offices worldwide.
Developeo will operate its native ERC20 token, which will go by the symbol DEVX. The token will be a utility token, which means its purpose goes much deeper than speculation on exchanges. The DEVX tokens will have several applications within the Developeo platform itself, including:
● Rewards for committed code on the open source projects/platform
● As a currency in the Developeo marketplace
● Registration for Bootcamps, Certification Programs, and the Developeo NEXT-GEN University, Events and Hackathons. Tokens will also be used for Student Loans.
Admissions with the DEVX token will actually lead to a significant discount in price. By making the DEVX token an integral part of the operations and user experience in the Developeo platform, the demand for the token will be naturally increasing, proportional to the growth in the user base of Developeo. Thus, unlike most blockchain projects, the token demand will be driven by its actual utility case, rather than speculative purposes.
While the Developeo platform is in a development stage, the team looks to fund the project with a token sale in Q1 to Q3 of 2018.
With a potential user base upwards of 30 million, the platform needs to be developed in a scalable way in terms of infrastructure.
The token sale is planned as follows:
- 480,000,000 DEVX for Private Presale - Public Presale - Public ICO
- 250,000,000 DEVX for Private Presale + KICKICO
- 130,000,000 DEVX for PreIco
- 100,000,000 DEVX for ICO
- 120,000,000 DEVX for Rewards - Team - Bounty - Treasury
- 120M Token Breakdown:
- Rewards + Reserve (80M) - Extra layer of protection against market speculation (i.e pump & dump)
- Bounty (15M) - Team + Founders (25M)
- Hard Cap = 480,000,000 DEVX TOKENS for Private Presale - PreICO - ICO

We are confident that Developeo is a great long-term investment and the market will value its long-term potential. We acknowledge that certain tokens have been used as speculative investment vehicles, resulting in significant volatility.
To manage the risks of post-ICO downward price fluctuations; we are committed to support purchases on the market for 180 days from the date of commencement of trading, in the unlikely event that we are below the price of ICO. The amount of funds for which support purchases may be made will not exceed 20% of the funds raised in the public offering.
- Between 400 Million and 800 Million individuals will be displaced by automation and need to find new jobs by 2030 globally.
- Potential net employment will change for more than 800 professions/occupations.
- “Robots” Could Steal 40% of U.S. Jobs by 2030.
- Automated bots could take nearly 4 in 10 (38%) jobs in the U.S., and take 30% of jobs in United Kingdom, 35% in Germany, and 21% in Japan.
- For individual workers, the key differentiating factor is education. For those with just GCSE-level (high school) education or lower, the estimated potential risk of automation is as high as 46% in the UK.
- Education related to new next-gen technologies is a key to remain unaffected. Next-gen jobs will require a blend of industrial and digital expertise.
- 83% of companies and 99% of users already use/run open-source software - often they have no idea what is running “under the hood”.
- Open-source Projects are growing in big numbers and has become the dominant software development method. Even long-time open-source antagonist Microsoft has begun to embrace open-source, partnering with Red Hat with its open-source .NET Core 2.0 programming framework.
- 76% of managers say hiring of open source professionals will increase over other areas of the business in the next six months.
- A growing number of companies (60%) are looking for full-time open-source hires, compared with 53% last year.
- Nearly half (47%) of companies will pay for employees to become open-source certified.

- Tokens will be used for admissions of Developeo University, Developeo Bootcamps, Marketplace, Advisory Services & Rewarding.
- Some of the top Universities In the world, is currently showing a lot of interest to work within the scope of the Developeo University.
- With the 4th Industrial Revolution, which is already happening, even if you are the best lawyer in your field, this will not matter much in the future. Your competitor will be an AI, which is 1 million times smarter than you, learning all of the laws of any country just within seconds, checking all the related cases and cross referencing them, acting immediately and without taking a break. This phenomenon applies to every profession. In the future, there will be people who combined their profession with the next-gen digital expertise, and there will be people who are basically, jobless. Developeo University, Bootcamps and Certification programs will ensure that the best intensive education in the most up-to-date curriculum will reach to its students.
- DEVX plans to create a new smart contract system for managing the learning process (i.e admissions, registration, learning management and certification) and also will share this with the community so that it is accessible by everyone.
- Also DEVX blockchain will be integrated with future banking systems. PSD2 Banking (Payment Service Directive) and API Banking will be the future of banking systems expected to be implemented during 2018 and we plan to create a One-Click-Student-Loans for our platforms; so students can have access to affordable student loans and manage their Student Loans (either in Fiat or DEVX Tokens) with just one click and apply to our admissions in seconds, all handled within DEVX platform.
- Developeo rewards every user of its platform, with Developeo tokens, for any open source contribution to any valid project in github. (Currently 27,000,000 Github Users)
- Reward pool starts with 60,000,000 tokens and increases every day with Developeo’s own revenue models; sharing each of the revenue’s 20% with the reward pool. Also, when the tokens’ value increases, the reward increases in alignment.
- Reward quantity will be decided by Decentralized Democratic Voting System, by the members of the contributed project, checking Quality of the code, Importance of the code, and how respected the member is in the project’s community.
- Developeo will earn 1,3 million USD from each bootcamp; utilizing top notch members of the community and also hiring the best instructors and subject matter experts on related technologies.
- Developeo offers NEXT-GEN hardcore education. Developeo University will be launched on Year 3. Apart from increasing the talent pool and serving the market need for both software education and talent acquisition, the University will essentially become an ecosystem where ideas and projects are developed in a collaborative manner.
- Developeo University will be a pioneer in the studies of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Full Stack Programming, Deep Learning, VR/AR, Neural Networks, Data Science, Data Art, New-Age Architecture, Robotics, Smartwear and other related technologies to become available. These areas have been growing exponentially and will continue to do so, as their applications in real-life expand.
- Bootcamps, University, Certification Programs, Marketplace, Advisory Services will be paid with either fiat or Developeo token. If paid with our tokens, a 20% discount will be introduced automatically.